Friday, January 31, 2025
SOUPer Bowl Challenge:
Next week is the TMS Annual “Soup”er Bowl. Students are encouraged to bring in canned goods to dress up. We will be having a homeroom competition to see which homeroom can bring in the most points. Soup cans are worth 2 points, while all other cans are worth 1 point. Please NO glass or envelope items. Along with a homeroom competition, for every 5 cans a student brings, they will receive a ticket to be entered into a drawing for a gift card or a treat. 15 lucky winners will be chosen! As a reminder there is no face paint or masks allowed during our spirit week. The dress up days will be:
Monday: Camouflage Day
Tuesday: Rhyme without Reason
Wednesday: College Day
Thursday: Hawaiian Day
Friday: Sports Jersey Day
Knights of Columbus Donation:
The local chapter of the Knights of Columbus recently donated $578.82 to the Middle School's Special Education Life Skills Program. The teachers and students greatly appreciate the donation, which helps to fund field trips and other activities for the students.
Erin’s Law Presentations:
Illinois schools are required by law to implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program which teaches students age appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell trusted adults. Triad School Counselor/Social Worker will be discussing personal safety with all of our students sometime between Feb 11th-13th. Please click on the link for more information. Erin's Law Letter 2025
Weightlifting Session 3:
Weightlifting Session 3 forms for 7th & 8th graders are available now for after school. Form and fee are due by Wednesday, February 12. Please see Mr. Vickrey to pick one up or pick one up during your PE class time.
E-Learning Schedule for TMS:
6th - 8th Grades (8:00 AM - 1:00 PM): The normal instructional day will be 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. TMS students are expected to follow their normal class schedule and log into their Google Meet virtual classroom (posted in Canvas) at the start time indicated for each period. The teacher will provide instruction for 20-25 minutes and then provide independent practice where students are able to ask questions for each period. Students do not need to check in during their study hall/homeroom period. If students would like to meet with a teacher individually, they can meet with their teacher during office hours from 12:40 PM - 1:00 PM.
TMS Remote Learning/Weather Event Bell Schedule (Times are slightly different from the regular schedule, so please pay close attention.)
Early Bird - 7:20 AM
Period 1 - 8:00 AM
Period 2 - 8:40 AM
Period 3 - 9:20 AM
Period 4 - 10:00 AM
Period 5 - 10:40 AM
Period 6 - 11:20 AM
Period 7 - 12:00 PM
Teacher Office Hours - 12:40-1:00 PM
Attendance Policy for 2024-2025 - Reminder
TCUSD #2 Attendance Policy & TMS Zero Hero Attendance
Young Authors Contest:
Are you interested in writing? Now is a great time to get started working on a story for the 2025 Madison County Young Authors’ Contest. All students in grades K-8 in the Triad School District are eligible to participate in this project. We will choose 1 winner and 1 runner-up from each school per grade level. Our grade level winners will then be invited to represent the Triad School District by attending the Madison County Young Authors’ Conference on Saturday, April 26, 2025, at Granite City High School. The deadline to turn in your final story to Mrs. Alldredge in the office is Wednesday, February 19th, 2025. If you are interested, you can pick up a Young Author’s packet in the school office today.
2026 TMS Spring Break trip to Ireland and Scotland - through World Stride travel
Visit Be sure to sign up by Thursday, February 6th with voucher code 2026earlybird to lock in the current price and take advantage of the lowest possible monthly payments. After February 6, the price will increase by $150.
Notes from Nurse Ann:
In an effort to make Illinois health requirements easier for families. Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation will have a mobile unit available for any student to have a physical examination/sports physical and/or immunization. This mobile unit will be at Triad High School on Tuesday May 6th. SIHF takes most insurances as well as state insurance. If your child has no insurance they will work with you on a sliding scale payment. If you would like your child to participate please complete the attached consent form and return to your school nurse by Friday April 25th. SIHF Consent Form
Middle school and high school students DO NOT need a parent present for the exam or immunization.
Attention 8th graders - IMPORTANT 9th Grade Info:
Illinois Health Requirements for Ninth Grade 2025-2026 school year:
Now is a great time to schedule physical appointments so that your child will be ready to attend ninth grade in August. The following records are due the first day of student attendance. Failure to comply with the State of Illinois regulations will result in exclusion from school beginning September 15, 2025. APPOINTMENTS AFTER THIS DATE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
9th Grade requirements due by September 15th 2025:
● Physical Exams (Sports Physical is NOT acceptable) must be on the State of Illinois Certificate of Child Health Exam form and completed within one year prior to the first day of school. *Parents/Guardians must complete, sign and date the Health History Section on the top of the physical exam form.
Dental exams on an Illinois Dental Exam Form need to be completed between November 15, 2024 - May 15, 2026. Due May 15, 2026.
Health forms will be accepted electronically prior to the first day of school, please send forms to or faxed to 618-667-8853. All health forms are available at Triad’s website.
How can I check academic progress for my student at TMS:
Check grades in Skyward and Canvas
Communicate with teachers if concerns arise
Triad Together - Community Engagement Information: Triad Together Website link
Zero Hero Reward:
Just a reminder as we start a new quarter the 3rd quarter expectations are updated below - to qualify for the reward the following criteria must be met:
3rd Quarter Expectations
No missing work or zeroes
3 or less absences (Excused or Unexcused)
No office referrals
TMS Daily Announcements:
Would you like to have access to our TMS Daily Announcements? The announcements are located under the “Daily News” section on our TMS Website. TMS Daily Announcements
TMS Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our Facebook posts with FAQs for TMS!!!
TMS Yearbook and Pictures:
Send your photos to
Students whose families are eligible for free or reduced price breakfast or lunch will be able to access meals once again this school year at no cost or a discounted rate. Triad families who wish to apply for free or reduced meals must do so through the Skyward Family Access portal. Once in the portal, click on the “Food Service Application” tile.
Important Dates
February 3rd - Student Council Soup’er Bowl Food Drive kicks-off
February 12th - School Improvement (½ day Student Attendance)
February 12th - Freshmen Orientation at THS
February 15th - School Resource Officer Day
February 17th - No School - Presidents Day
February 19th - Club Picture Day
February 24th - TCUSD #2 Board Meeting
TMS through photos: